Welcome to Dagdrivarn
Dagdrivarn was registered in Sverak 1998, in 2012 i went over to WCF, then to Göteborgskatten (IDP).
I have been breeding MCO since 2006 and Cornish Rex Since 1998.
Read more about me here.

I just want to take this opportunity to say that I charge the same price for shaded/ shell/golden as for any other color. Do not agree to pay the extrem amount of money charged for those cats.
Shaded is not as uncommon as those who charge these sums want to make you believe.
In addition, we seem to be dealing with two different predispositions, many of the cats that are sold today at extremely high prices most likely do not have the widebandgene,
instead the seem to have another predisposition that affects the silver and makes them very bright and very pale in the tipping!
Read more about this and much more at Maine Coon Education.

99Lives has a lot of interesting projects one of those are silver and golden, which is very interesting for a lot of us!
To be able to do this research, money is needed, if we all help and donate they will reach their goal a lot sooner.
Here is the list of the projects
You can choose to dedicate your donation to a specific project, like the Silver trait, for example
DONATE to 99Lives!

Phone: +46707738656
FB: Dagdrivarn on FB

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